E-ISSN: 2582-8940

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Current Issues

International Journal of Medical and All Body Health Research

Editorial Policies

1. Scope of the Journal The International Journal of Medical and All Body Health Research is an interdisciplinary journal that aims to publish high-quality research related to the field of medical and health sciences. The journal welcomes original research, review articles, clinical studies, case reports, and research letters that contribute to the advancement of knowledge in all areas of medical and body health, including but not limited to, clinical medicine, preventive healthcare, health systems, biomedical engineering, nutrition, pharmacology, mental health, public health, and alternative medicine.

2. Manuscript Submission

  • Manuscripts must be submitted through the journal’s online submission system.
  • All submissions must be original and not under review or published elsewhere.
  • Authors are required to ensure that their work adheres to ethical standards and that appropriate permissions have been obtained for any third-party content used.
  • Submissions should be formatted according to the guidelines provided on the journal’s website.

3. Peer Review Process

  • All submitted manuscripts will undergo a double-blind peer review process to ensure the highest standards of quality.
  • Reviewers are selected based on their expertise in the subject matter of the manuscript.
  • Authors will receive feedback from reviewers and may be required to revise their manuscript before publication.

4. Ethical Guidelines

  • The journal adheres to strict ethical standards in publication. Authors, reviewers, and editors are expected to act responsibly, professionally, and ethically throughout the submission and review process.
  • All research must comply with ethical standards, including obtaining informed consent and approval from relevant ethics committees.
  • Plagiarism, data manipulation, and duplicate submission will not be tolerated and may result in rejection of the manuscript.

5. Authorship and Acknowledgment

  • All authors must have made significant contributions to the research and writing process. A clear statement of authorship should be provided at the time of submission, and all contributors should be appropriately acknowledged.
  • Authors must disclose any financial or non-financial conflicts of interest that might influence the research or manuscript.

6. Publication Ethics

  • The International Journal of Medical and All Body Health Research follows the guidelines established by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) for handling publication ethics and malpractice.
  • Editors will ensure that all manuscripts are reviewed impartially and that ethical practices are upheld throughout the editorial process.
  • In case of any ethical violations or misconduct, the journal will take appropriate action, including retraction or correction of the article.

7. Copyright and Licensing

  • Authors retain the copyright to their work but grant the journal the right to publish the article under a license that allows for wide dissemination of their research.
  • Authors are encouraged to make their work available through open access to increase the reach and impact of their research.

8. Conflict of Interest

  • Authors must disclose any potential conflicts of interest that could affect the interpretation or presentation of their research.
  • Reviewers and editors must also disclose any conflicts of interest before participating in the review process.

9. Editorial Responsibilities

  • The editorial team is committed to upholding the integrity and quality of the journal. Editors are responsible for ensuring that each submission is treated with fairness and transparency.
  • Editors will make decisions based on the manuscript's academic quality, relevance to the scope of the journal, and the findings’ contribution to the field.

10. Publication Frequency

  • The International Journal of Medical and All Body Health Research publishes quarterly. Authors are encouraged to submit their manuscripts according to the journal's publication schedule.

11. Manuscript Formatting and Submission Guidelines

  • Manuscripts should follow the journal's specific formatting guidelines, which are available on the journal’s website.
  • Submissions should be clearly written, and authors should provide an abstract (250 words), keywords, an introduction, methodology, results, discussion, conclusion, and references formatted according to the journal’s style.