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Current Issues

International Journal of Medical and All Body Health Research

Publication Body: Anfo Publication House
Peer Review Process: Peer Review Process
Frequency of Publication: Quarterly [4 issues per year]
Languages: English
Accessibility: Open Access
Plagiarism Checker: Plagiarism X
Journal DOI: https://doi.org/10.54660/Ijmabhr
The International Journal of Medical and All Body Health Research family of journals are committed to support authors in making their research publicly and freely available. The editors encourage all authors to post their peer-reviewed, accepted, unedited article on their personal or institutional websites any time after publication in print or online.
We Covers all medical specialities including Ophthalmology, Orthopaedics, Gynaecology, Paediatrics, Reproduction, Cardiology, Radiology, Dental, Pathology, Neurology, Diabetes, Surgery, Gastroenterology, Nursing, Otolaryngology, Psychiatry, Physiology, Psychology, Anesthesiology, Dermatology, Endocrinology, Hepatology, Urology, Venereology, Oncology, Pulmonology, Immunology, Nephrology, Biotechnology, Pharmacy, Pharmacology, Forensic, ENT, Anatomy, Physiotherapy, etc.

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